Tera’s Whey Protein Powder is now available in Goat Whey Protein Canisters , Organic Whey Protein Canisters, rBGH Free Whey Protein canisters, and Organic Whey Protein packets.
More info about Tera’s Whey from Tera’s Whey:
“I created teraswhey to cause extraordinary change.
The most natural ingredients like organic, hormone-free cow, goat, & sheep whey proteins.
All natural flavors. high antioxidant superfruits. low glycemic stevia.
The best tasting, simple ingredients ethically sourced from small family farms, artisanal cheesemakers, fair trade suppliers.
Whey that transforms your health (and that of those you love).
Made in a green factory that touches the planet lightly.
tera’swhey puts the power to cause extraordinary change back where it belongs:
in your hands.
– All of our ingredients are sourced from sustainable family dairy farms and from stewards of endangered ecosystems around the world.
– 20 grams of protein per serving – the recommended serving by MDs and nutritionists for people with health and recovery issues as well as for optimal post-excercise recovery.
– 4 grams of carbohydrates from fruit and low glycemic stevia means your blood sugar will not spike.
– Made with superfruits known for their extremely high antioxidents and the best tasting vanilla and chocolate on the planet – the same kind that French pastry chefs demand. As a result, all of our products are not only good for you, but they also taste incredible.”
Also, be sure to check out all of our low carb shakes and high protein shakes on the website.